Hi folks

Hi folks…its me…

I’m still alive. A little beaten down, but making it through each day. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? About a year since I went to the hospital. A lot has happened since that point. Probably the worst moment of my life…but that’s in the past, isn’t it? 🙂

There has been a lot done to me since then. There’s still a lot more to be done as well. But I’m surviving. My kidneys are failing…my heart…well, it could give out any moment. But I’m managing to make life the best that I can. 🙂 Sometimes, I feel like a wreck….other days, I feel great. Most days, I feel somewhere in between. But I’m glad that I am still alive. Glad that I can breathe each morning.

So, there’s a few things that I have to shape up around here….what do I blog about? Well, Paganism, of course. But I will also spend some of that time blogging about life, in general. Right now, I don’t do a lot around the house. I can’t clean the litter box (health reasons). There’s not a lot I can lift (restricted to under thirty pounds). I spend part of the morning catching up on sleep I didn’t get the night before (about two to three and a half hours). But….I can still write. Right now, its just a matter of keeping my brain occupied…and making sure things get down on the screen. Some days, that’s just a little too much to handle. Most days, its not. So…the blog goes back into service….today. That’s right…this post is the first one. Next week, will be the first topical blog.

I’m posting once a week now…to get my brain back into the idea of blogging. Right now…it takes a lot of brain power to write things out. I’ll likely spend about half a day writing out a blog post…so there’s that. But hey…at least I’ll be writing, right? 🙂

For now, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing before you started reading this…and next week…the blog topics start again…


Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem on Pexels.com

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